Unfortunately the Erebus Cave and Fumarole Database is not online at the moment. Due to the end of the Mt Erebus Volcano Observatory (USAP G-081) grant it is not possible to maintain a running database. I hope that I will be able to re-launch the database under a future grant, or that others will volunteer to maintain it. However, you can download an archived copy of the database and run it on any machine. To do this:

  1. Download and install Vagrant from http://www.vagrantup.com
  2. Download and install Virtualbox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
  3. Open a terminal, make a new directory, and run "vagrant init mevo/ecdb-nopersinfo" in it (allow more time for this step)
  4. Then run "vagrant up --provider virtualbox"
  5. The database is now running on your computer and you can interact with it by pointing your web browser to http://localhost:8000

Cave locations unfortunately do not display correctly on the front page map of the archived database versions due to a technical issue. However, you can go to to access the list of caves.

More information is available at the Global Change Master Directory and the US Antarctic Program Data Center, which hosts a second copy of the database image (mevo_database.box).

-- Aaron Curtis, 5 February 2018